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online cellar door
Check in for updates on what’s happening here at Rusden

You may not be able to come to us, but check back here for updates and pics of what we are up to in the vineyard, winery and cellar!


Welcome back to the Barossa! Our little family owned and operated cellar door is open again for tastings

Cellar Door Officially OPEN 🙂

5 June - We would love to welcome you back to our little cellar door! open for seated tastings up to 4 groups at a time in cellar door.

Final Resting Place

2 June -The old Red truck travelling through the vineyard to it's rest after a long hard working life - opening of cellar door on Friday the 5th June!
Click image to see video

Little Red Tractor

1 June - Little red tractor bumping along into the entry of the winery getting ready for the opening of cellar door on Friday the 5th June!
Click image to see video

Been busy getting ready to open!!

22 May - Been so busy we forgot to post pics! bottled the Big Uncle Willy's port, getting cellar door legit, driveway renos... we'll be open on the 5th June!

Little baby covercrop sprouting up

22 May - Here comes the cover crop in the vineyard, going to be a permanent midrow 'garden' with clover for the bees as a nice summer blanket for the soil

Produce from the Rusden garden

21 May - the last tomatoes, plenty of silver beet, kale, herbs, onions, sandy soil grows straight carrots

Old Grenache vines

19 May - Old Grenache vines have a new home in the orchard

Old school Red Gum posts for the driveway

18 May - Handsome red gum posts to match the beautiful old grenache vines

Watch this space! Driveway upgrade underway

15 May - driveway work underway! look at that sand!
Click image to see video

Driveway Upgrade

14 May - things happening in the driveway with cute old vehicles - watch this space 🙂


12 May - The seeds going into the hopper, family helping out with the work

Veggie Patch

13 May - The Garden has always been an important part of our lifestyle at Rusden ... this year we have a winter garden


12 May - excited to see the little plants come up and flowers in the vineyard

Rusden Blend

12 May - a special blend of clover, medic and rye blended for our sandy soil

Working up beautifully

11 May - The sand bed for the seeds to grow, this photo is taken in the bushvine Mataro

Sowing the midrows

9 May - seeds are going in

Quince season

8 May - Quince and apple for breakfast and dessert

Wattle and the orchard

7 May - Wattle, apples, leaves changing colour, Winnie running around, sun shining, time to stop and smell the quinces

Pomegranates are ripe

6 May - Little red jewels of the garden


4 May - Rain, Sunshine, Rainbows, vines, wine, silver linings

C’mon let’s walk!

2 May - Winnie the wine dog doing her thing in the vineyard.
Click image to see video

Home Learning

1 May - We were just starting to get into the groove of of this home learning thing

Autumn colour

30th April - This variety puts on a show for the season

Putting the wine to barrel

26 April -Putting the wine to barrel, "have a nice sleep in the comfy oak 2020 wine!"
Click image to see video

Spreading the Good stuff

27th April - The Bedford getting some compost action in the vineyard.

Lovely rain!

25th April - perfect timing for a nice soak!

Vineyard week

24th April - Making the vineyard pretty and getting ready to sow the cover crop.

Pressing Monday and Tuesday

23rd April -Pressing a bit old school for the girls, after work with their dad
Click image to see video

Crushing Mali’s Cab

20 April -Footage from the Easter Weekend pick and crush Cab Savo for mali
Click image to see video

Crushing Della’s Grenache

17 April -This is us... Crushing the little parcel of Grenache over the Easter weekend
Click image to see video

Picking grapes (video by Grace)

16 April - Picking a last sneaky little parcel of grapes over the Easter weekend (video by Grace)
Click image to see video

Oh… the colour!!

14th April - This is so much fun!

Happy Easter!

12th April - Happy Easter from our family to yours!

Winnie misses people!

7 April - Winnie, our Cellar Door dog, misses you visiting!
Click image to see video

Last Ferments

6th April - Last ferments still bubbling away.

Chasing Daisies

3rd April - Chasing the daisies all over cellar door... our cellar door only wine 'Chasing Daisies' down to 5 dozen... available until sold out via email sales if you love it, email us and order now.

And that’s a wrap…

1st April - As the rain comes down, our last crush for vintage 2020.

Pressing matters…

30th March - Pressing Shiraz in the winery today... wow, what colour!!

Up, up and away!

26th March - Our property from the skies. Thanks to Mike Smith Pictures!

Up, up and away!

26th March - Our property from the skies. Thanks to Complete Photography!

Winery In Action

24 March
Click image to see video

Winnie the Winery Dog

23rd March - Winnie waiting at the gates for visitors

The Winery in action

20th March - The winery in action this morning


19th March - Night Shift pump overs


19th March - We love having visitors and showing them the action

The Red Cake

18th March - The Red Cake from the basket press

First Basket Press

18th March - First basket press for the reds

The Reds are in

13th March - Time for the Reds to come in

Family matters

29th Feb - Getting the kids in on the action

Pressing the Whites

27th Feb - Pressing the Whites

Pressing the Whites

27th Feb - Pressing the Whites

White Night

26th Feb - Whites at Night

Ready for Vintage

Feb 24 - Ready for Vintage 2020

Seriously great steaks in a seriously fun arena (marina) @seafire_onthemarina
So much fun @edo.cucina …brilliant 💥Grazie Eduardo and Luana 🙏🏻🍷
Redcon One ‼️ Everything in readiness for our 33rd crush here at the Rusden Winery 👌 #vinevale #cheninblanc #2025 #harvest #fullbattlerattle
Traditional German dill cucumbers. These are so delicious and available to try in cellar door ! 🥒🥒🥒

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