Check in for updates on what’s happening here at Rusden
You may not be able to come to us, but check back here for updates and pics of what we are up to in the vineyard, winery and cellar!
Great day visiting Chinese war ships south of Kangaroo Island yesterday 🤣 …caught a few bluefin while we were there 🎣😎🍾🥂

Since the reds are still a few weeks away we went and had a nice blue harvest yesterday with chilli crab to feed our expectant cellar crew 🦀🦀😎

Redcon One ‼️ Everything in readiness for our 33rd crush here at the Rusden Winery 👌 #vinevale #cheninblanc #2025 #harvest #fullbattlerattle

Traditional German dill cucumbers. These are so delicious and available to try in cellar door ! 🥒🥒🥒

Play hard, work hard 🌅😎
#bigwillys #fishing #therapy #winespritzer @davidfranzwine #racking #barrelwork #sunsets
…and a special herb that only boxheads understand 🥒😉

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